Thursday, February 24, 2011

Senior Playgrounds?!

saw some pics of "senior playgrounds" based out of london and HAD to share... what do you think about this?! Each picture has a link to where I found an article in relation to this.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spotlight - Keli Roberts

another master fitness trainer who's been around for a while - Keli Roberts.

as quoted from her website:


Fitness goes far beyond just making you look good, it improves your health and well being, quality of life, self esteem and self concept. I believe fitness should be fun and enjoyable, something to look forward to and something that leaves you feeling satisfied and successful.

When I work with a client and design their program, I take into account the whole person, not just their body, but also their mind, spirit and sense of humor. I also believe that you don’t need to put in long hours to get results. I’m not one to waste time so every exercise I choose is goal specific, effective and efficient. Finally I know from experience that an exercise is only as good as how it’s being performed…It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it!"

you can also find her on facebook. check out her pages and info - she's inspirational and if you ever get a chance to take a class with keli, do NOT pass it up!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ACE Fitness YouTube Channel

ACE Fitness has a youtube channel that is good to check out every now and then for tips, tricks, safety/form cues and ideas to incorporate into your own workout.